NAV Navbar
C++ Python JS REST JS Websocket ros-cli roscpp rospy


Welcome to API reference documentation for FlytOS. Here you can find details of all the FlytAPIs with their description, parameters and usage examples. API bindings are available in several languages and you can select the desired language from the tabs in the right panel.

If you are FlytCloud customer, base IP/URL for API is

To learn more about how to get started with FlytOS and build your first app, please visit the developer documentation.

In case, you find any bug/issue in this documentation, please help us rectify it by raising an issue in our github repository.

Namespace API


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login. 

ROS-Service Name: /get_global_namespace
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ParamGetGlobalNamespace, below is its description

#Request : None

#Response : Paramter info
core_api/ParamInfo param_info
#Response : success=true if parameter get was successful.
bool success
#Response : Returns error message/success message if any.
string message
// global namespace is not required for any CPP API
# global namespace is not required for any Python API
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /get_global_namespace
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :core_api/ParamInfo param_info
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /get_global_namespace
response srv: ParamGetGlobalNamespace
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: ' <ip>/ros/get_global_namespace'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String,
        param_value: String
This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/get_global_namespace',
serviceType: 'core_api/ParamGetGlobalNamespace'

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String,
            param_value: String


rosservice call /get_global_namespace "{}"
// global namespace is not required for any CPP API
# global namespace is not required for any Python API
#include <core_api/ParamGetGlobalNamespace.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::ParamGetGlobalNamespace>("/get_global_namespace");
core_api::ParamGetGlobalNamespace srv;;

std::string global_namespace = srv.response.param_info.param_value;

bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def get_global_namespace():
        res = rospy.ServiceProxy('/get_global_namespace', ParamGetGlobalNamespace)
        op = res()
        return str(op.param_info.param_value)
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("global namespace service not available", e)
        return None
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        url: "http://<ip>/ros/get_global_namespace",   
        success: function(data){
var namespace = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/get_global_namespace',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ParamGetGlobalNamespace'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

namespace.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.param_info.param_value);

Example response

  param_id: global_namespace
  param_value: flytpod
success: True
message: FlytOS namespace is  flytpod
// global namespace is not required for any CPP API
# global namespace is not required for any Python API
success : true
message : FlytOS namespace is  flytpod
success: True
message: FlytOS namespace is  flytpod


This API returns the global namespace under which FlytOS’s instance is running. For users using RESTful, Websocket or ROS APIs, calling this API is a MUST, as the value of this namespace is required to call other APIs.

In the subsequent documentation, wherever <namespace> is mentioned in API call definition, it must be replaced by the output of this API call.

Users writing their code in simple CPP and Python need not call this API.

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library. Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Navigation APIs

Access Request


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/access_request
ROS-Service Type: core_api/AccessRequest, below is its description

#Request : 
bool enable_access

#Response : return success=true if command is successful
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: int Navigation::access_request(bool enable_access)

Arguments:  enable_access: Set it to True to enable API access

Returns:    returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: access_request(enable_access)
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/access_request
call srv:
    :bool enable_access
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/access_request
call srv:
    :bool enable_access
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call to enable API control over drone. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/access_request'

JSON Request:
    enable_access: Boolean

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call to enable API control over drone. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/access_request',
serviceType: 'core_api/AccessRequest'

    enable_access: Boolean

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/access_request "{enable_access: true}"    
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
    cout<<"API access enabled";
    cout<<"Failed to enable API access";
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#include <core_api/AccessRequest.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::AccessRequest>("/<namespace>/navigation/access_request");
core_api::AccessRequest srv;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def access_request(enable_access)
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/access_request', AccessRequest)
        resp = handle(enable_access=enable_access)
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("service call failed %s", e)

var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/access_request",  
    success: function(data){

var access_request = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/access_request',
    serviceType : 'core_api/AccessRequest'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    enable_access = true

access_request.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
success: True
Success: True



This API enables API control over drone. Sending vehicle to GUIDED/OFFBOARD mode via RC automatically enables API control, and likewise sending vehicle to RC modes such as MANUAL/STABILIZE/ALTCTL/ALT_HOLD/POSCTL/POSHOLD/LOITER disables API control.

If this API is called with enable_access argument set to ‘true’, vehicle’s mode is shifted to GUIDED/OFFBOARD mode internally.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
enable_access bool Set this to true to enable API access. Setting this to false won’t have any effect, this feature would be added later.


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library. Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.



# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/arm
ROS-Service Type: core_api/Arm, below is its description

#Request : NULL

#Response : return success=true if command is successful
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: int Navigation::arm(void)

Arguments:  None

Returns:    returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: arm()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/arm
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/arm
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API to arm the 
FlytOS running device. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/arm'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API to arm the 
FlytOS running device. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/arm',
serviceType: 'core_api/Arm'


    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/arm "{}"    
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
    cout<<"System ARMED";
    cout<<"Failed to ARM system";
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#include <core_api/Arm.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::Arm>("/<namespace>/navigation/arm");
core_api::Arm srv;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def arm()
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/arm', Arm)
        resp = handle()
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("service call failed %s", e)

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/arm",  
    success: function(data){

var arm = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/arm',
    serviceType : 'core_api/Arm'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

arm.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
success: True
Success: True



This API arms the motors. If arm fails then check debug messages for arming errors. Likely reasons are uncalibrated sensors, misconfiguration.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.

Arguments: None


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library. Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.



# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/disarm
ROS-Service Type: core_api/Disarm, below is its description

#Request : NULL

#Response : return success=true if command is successful
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: int Navigation::disarm(void)

Arguments: None

Returns:    returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: disarm():
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/disarm
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/disarm
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API to disarm the 
FlytOS running device. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/disarm'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API to disarm the 
FlytOS running device. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/disarm',
serviceType: 'core_api/Disarm'


    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/disarm "{}"    
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
    cout<<"System DIARMED";
    cout<<"Failed to DISARM system";
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#include <core_api/Disarm.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::Disarm>("/<namespace>/navigation/disarm");
core_api::Disarm srv;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def disarm():
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/disarm', Disarm)
        resp = handle()
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("service call failed %s", e)

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/disarm",  
    success: function(data){

var disarm = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/disarm',
    serviceType : 'core_api/Disarm'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

disarm.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
success: True
Success: True



This API disarms the motors. Read API description below before you use it.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.

Arguments: None


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library. Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Take Off


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/takeoff
ROS-Service Type: core_api/TakeOff, below is its description

# Request : expects take off altitude in metres
float32 takeoff_alt

# Response : returns success=true if takeoff altitude is reached
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition:  int Navigation::take_off(float takeoff_alt = 5.0)

    takeoff_alt: TakeOff Altitude in meters with default value of 5.0

Returns: 0 if the vehicle reaches takeoff_alt before timeout=30sec, else returns 1.
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: take_off(self, takeoff_alt=5.0):
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/takeoff
call srv: 
    : int takeoff_alt
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/takeoff
Type: core_api/TakeOff
call srv: 
    : int takeoff_alt
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API to takeoff. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/take_off'

JSON Request:
    takeoff_alt: Float

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API to takeoff. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/take_off',
serviceType: 'core_api/TakeOff'

{   takeoff_alt: Float }

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/take_off "takeoff_alt: 3.0"
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# takeoff over current location 
#include <core_api/TakeOff.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::TakeOff>("/<namespace>/navigation/takeoff");
core_api::TakeOff srv;

srv.request.takeoff_alt = 3.0;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def takeoff(height)
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/take_off', TakeOff)
        resp = handle(takeoff_alt=height)
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("service call failed %s", e)

var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/take_off",  
    success: function(data){

var takeoff = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/take_off',
    serviceType : 'core_api/TakeOff'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    takeoff_alt: 5.00

takeoff.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
success: True
Success: True



Takeoff and reach specified height from current location.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
takeoff_alt float32 takeoff to given height at current location. (minimum 1.5 meters)


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

Takeoff to specified height from current height at current location.

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library. Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.



# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/land
ROS-Service Type: core_api/Land, below is its description

#Request : expects async variable to be set/reset
bool async

#Response : return success=true if Land command sent successfully to autopilot
bool success
string message
// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition:    int Navigation::land(bool async = false)

    async: If true, asynchronous mode is set

Returns:    0 if the land command is successfully sent to the vehicle, else returns 1.
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: land(async=False):
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/land
call srv: 
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/land
call srv: 
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API to land. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/land'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API to land. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/land',
serviceType: 'core_api/Land'

{  }

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/land "async=true" 
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# land at current location. Return after landed

# land at current location. Function returns immediately and land action finishes asynchronously.
#include <core_api/Land.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::Land>("/<namespace>/navigation/land");
core_api::Land srv;

srv.request.async = true;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def land(async= False):
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/land', Land)
        resp = handle(async)
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("service call failed %s", e)

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/land",  
    success: function(data){

var land = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/land',
    serviceType : 'core_api/Land'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

land.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
success: True
Success: True



Land vehicle at current position. Check API usage section below before using this API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
async bool If true, asynchronous mode is set


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

This API will land the vehicle at current location.

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Position Hold


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/position_hold
ROS-Service Type: core_api/PositionHold, below is its description

#Request : NULL

#Response : return success=true if command sent successfully to autopilot
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition:     int Navigation::position_hold()

Arguments: None

Returns:    returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: position_hold():
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/position_hold
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/position_hold
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API to halt and hover at 
current location. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/position_hold'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API to halt and 
hover at current location. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/position_hold',
serviceType: 'core_api/PositionHold'

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /<namespace>/navigation/position_hold "{}"
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# hold position

#include <core_api/PositionHold.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::PositionHold>("/<namespace>/navigation/position_hold");
core_api::PositionHold srv;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def position_hold():
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/position_hold', PositionHold)
        resp = handle()
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("service call failed %s", e)

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/position_hold",  
    success: function(data){

var positionHold = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/position_hold',
    serviceType : 'core_api/PositionHold'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

positionHold.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
success: True
Success: True



Position hold / hover / loiter at current position.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.

Arguments: None


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

This API can be used to stop the vehicle at current location.

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Position Setpoint


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/position_set
ROS-Service Type: core_api/PositionSet, below is its description

#Request : expects position setpoint via x, y, z
#Request : expects yaw setpoint via yaw (send yaw_valid=true)
geometry_msgs/TwistStamped twist #deprecated, instead use x,y,z,yaw
float32 x
float32 y
float32 z
float32 yaw
float32 tolerance
bool async
bool relative
bool yaw_valid
bool body_frame

#Response : success=true - (if async=false && if setpoint reached before timeout = 30sec) || (if async=true)
bool success
string message
// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition: int Navigation::position_set(float x, float y, float z, float yaw=0, float tolerance=0, bool relative=false, bool async=false, bool yaw_valid=false, bool body_frame=false)

    x,y,z: Position Setpoint in NED-Frame (in body-frame if body_frame=true)
    yaw: Yaw Setpoint in radians
    yaw_valid: Must be set to true, if yaw setpoint is provided
    tolerance: Acceptance radius in meters, default value=1.0m
    relative: If true, position setpoints relative to current position is sent
    async: If true, asynchronous mode is set
    body_frame: If true, position setpoints are relative with respect to body frame

Returns: For async=true, returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle, else returns 1. For async=false, returns 0 if the vehicle reaches given setpoint before timeout=30secs, else returns 1.
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: position_set(self, x, y, z, yaw=0.0, tolerance=0.0, relative=False, async=False, yaw_valid=False,
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/position_set
call srv:
    :float x
    :float y
    :float z
    :float yaw
    :float tolerance
    :bool async
    :bool relative
    :bool yaw_valid
    :bool body_frame
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/position_set
call srv:
    :float x
    :float y
    :float z
    :float yaw
    :float tolerance
    :bool async
    :bool relative
    :bool yaw_valid
    :bool body_frame
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/position_set'

JSON Request:
    x: Float,
    y: Float,
    z: Float,
    yaw: Float,
    tolerance: Float,
    async: Boolean,
    relative: Boolean,
    yaw_valid : Boolean,
    body_frame : Boolean

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/position_set',
serviceType: 'core_api/PositionSet'

    x: Float,
    y: Float,
    z: Float,
    yaw: Float,
    tolerance: Float,
    async: Boolean,
    relative: Boolean,
    yaw_valid : Boolean,
    body_frame : Boolean

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/position_set "{x: 1.0, y: 3.5, z: -5.0, yaw: 0.12, tolerance: 0.0, async: false, relative: false, yaw_valid: true, body_frame: false}"

#sends (x,y,z)=(1.0,3.5,-5.0)(m), yaw=0.12rad, relative=false, async=false, yaw_valid=true, body_frame=false
#default value of tolerance=1.0m if left at 0    
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
nav.position_set(1.0, 3.5, -5.0, 0.12, 2.0, false, false, true, false);
//sends (x,y,z)=(1.0,3.5,-5.0)(m), yaw=0.12rad, tolerance=2.0m, relative=false, async=false, yaw_valid=true, body_frame=false
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# command vehicle towards 5 metres SOUTH from current location regardless of heading
drone.position_set(-5, 0, 0, relative=True)
#include <core_api/PositionSet.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::PositionSet>("/<namespace>/navigation/position_set");
core_api::PositionSet srv;

srv.request.x = 1.0;
srv.request.y = 3.5;
srv.request.z = -5.0;
srv.request.yaw = 0.12;
srv.request.tolerance = 5.0;
srv.request.async = false;
srv.request.yaw_valid = true;
srv.request.relative = false;
srv.request.body_frame = false;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;

//sends (x,y,z)=(1.0,3.5,-5.0)(m), yaw=0.12rad, tolerance=5.0m, relative=false, async=false, yaw_valid=true, body_frame=false
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def setpoint_local_position(lx, ly, lz, yaw, tolerance = 2.0, async = False, relative= False, yaw_valid= False, body_frame= False):
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/position_set', PositionSet)

        # building message structure
        req_msg = PositionSetRequest(x=lx, y=ly, z=lz, yaw=yaw, tolerance=tolerance, async=async, relative=relative, yaw_valid=yaw_valid, body_frame=body_frame)
        resp = handle(req_msg)
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("pos set service call failed %s", e)

var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/position_set",  
    success: function(data){

var positionSet = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/position_set',
    serviceType : 'core_api/PositionSet'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    x: 2.00,
    y: 3.00,
    z: -1.00,
    yaw: 1.00,
    tolerance: 2.00,
    async: true,
    relative: false,
    yaw_valid : true,
    body_frame : false

positionSet.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
success: True
Success: True


This API commands the vehicle to go to a specified location in local frame and hover. Please check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
x, y, z float Position Setpoint in NED-Frame (in body-frame if body_frame=true)
yaw float Yaw Setpoint in radians
yaw_valid bool Must be set to true, if yaw
tolerance float Acceptance radius in meters, default value=1.0m
relative bool If true, position setpoints relative to current position is sent
async bool If true, asynchronous mode is set
body_frame bool If true, position setpoints are relative with respect to body frame


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Global Position Setpoint


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/position_set_global
ROS-Service Type: core_api/PositionSetGlobal, below is its description

#Request : expects position setpoint via lat_x, long_y, rel_alt_z(altitude from home)
#Request : expects yaw setpoint via yaw (send yaw_valid=true)
geometry_msgs/TwistStamped twist #deprecated, instead use lat_x,long_y,rel_alt_z,yaw
float32 lat_x
float32 long_y
float32 rel_alt_z
float32 yaw
float32 tolerance
bool async
bool yaw_valid

#Response : return success=true, (if async=false && if setpoint reached before timeout = 30sec) || (if async=true && command sent to autopilot)
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition:     int position_set_global(float lat_x, float long_y, float rel_alt_z, float yaw=0, float tolerance=0, bool async=false, bool yaw_valid=false);
    :lat_x: Latitude
    :long_y: Longitude
    :rel_alt_z: Altitue (Positive distance upwards from home position)
    :yaw: Yaw Setpoint in radians
    :yaw_valid: Must be set to true, if yaw setpoint is provided
    :tolerance: Acceptance radius in meters, default value=1.0m
    :async: If true, asynchronous mode is set
    :returns: For async=true, returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle, else returns 1. For async=false, returns 0 if the vehicle reaches given setpoint before timeout=30secs, else returns 1.
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: position_set_global(self, lat, lon, rel_ht, yaw=0.0, tolerance=0.0, async=False, yaw_valid=False):
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/position_set_global
call srv:
    :float lat_x
    :float long_y
    :float rel_alt_z
    :float yaw
    :float tolerance
    :bool async
    :bool yaw_valid

response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/position_set_global
call srv:
    :float lat_x
    :float long_y
    :float rel_alt_z
    :float yaw
    :float tolerance
    :bool async
    :bool yaw_valid

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/position_set_global'

JSON Request:
    lat_x: Float,
    long_y: Float,
    rel_alt_z: Float,
    yaw: Float,
    tolerance: Float,
    async: Boolean,
    relative: Boolean,
    yaw_valid : Boolean,
    body_frame : Boolean

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising
API and replace namespace with the namespace of
the FlytOS running device before calling the API
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/position_set_global',
serviceType: 'core_api/PositionSetGlobal'

    lat_x: Float,
    long_y: Float,
    rel_alt_z: Float,
    yaw: Float,
    tolerance: Float,
    async: Boolean,
    relative: Boolean,
    yaw_valid : Boolean

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/position_set_global "{ lat_x: 8.04303, long_y: 43.57437, rel_alt_z: 5.0, yaw: 0.12 ,tolerance: 0.0, async: false, yaw_valid: true}"

#sends (Lat,Lon,relAlt)=(8.04303, 43.57437,5.0)(m), yaw=0.12rad, async=false, yaw_valid=true
#default value of tolerance=1.0m if left at 0    
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
nav.position_set_global(10.342124, 13.4323233, 5.0, 0.12, 2.0, false, true);
//sends (Lat,Lon,relAlt)=(10.342124, 13.4323233, 5.0)(m), yaw=0.12rad, tolerance=2.0m, async=false, yaw_valid=true
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# send vehicle to GPS coordinate with height 10 meters above home position.
drone.position_set_global(10.342124, 13.4323233, 10)

#include <core_api/PositionSetGlobal.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::PositionSetGlobal>("/<namespace>/navigation/position_set_global");
core_api::PositionSetGlobal srv;

srv.lat_x = 10.342124;
srv.long_y = 13.4323233;
srv.rel_alt_z = 5.0;
srv.yaw = 0.5;
srv.request.tolerance = 2.0;
srv.request.async = true;
srv.request.yaw_valid = true;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def setpoint_global_position(lat_x, long_y, rel_alt_z, yaw, tolerance= 0.0, async = False, yaw_valid= False):
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/position_set_global', PositionSetGlobal)

        # build message structure
        req_msg = PositionSetGlobalRequest(lat_x=lat_x, long_y=long_y, rel_alt_z=rel_alt_z, yaw=yaw, tolerance=tolerance, async=async, yaw_valid=yaw_valid)
        resp = handle(req_msg)
        return resp

    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("global pos set service call failed %s", e)
var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/position_set_global",  
    success: function(data){

var positionSetGlobal = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/position_set_global',
    serviceType : 'core_api/PositionSetGlobal'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    lat_x: 10.342124,
    long_y: 13.4323233,
    rel_alt_z: 5.00,
    yaw: 1.00,
    tolerance: 2.00,
    async: true,
    relative: false,
    yaw_valid : true

positionSetGlobal.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
success: True
Success: True



This API sets a desired position setpoint in global coordinate system (WGS84). Please check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
lat_x float Latitude
long_y float Longitude
rel_alt_z float relative height from current location in meters
yaw float Yaw Setpoint in radians
yaw_valid bool Must be set to true, if yaw
tolerance float Acceptance radius in meters, default value=1.0m
async bool If true, asynchronous mode is set


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library. Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Velocity Setpoint


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/velocity
ROS-Service Type: core_api/VelocitySet, below is its description

#Request : expects velocity setpoint via vx,vy,vz
#Request : expects yaw_rate setpoint via yaw_rate (send yaw_rate_valid=true)
geometry_msgs/TwistStamped twist #deprecated, instead use vx,vy,vz,yaw_rate
float32 vx
float32 vy
float32 vz
float32 yaw_rate
float32 tolerance
bool async
bool relative
bool yaw_rate_valid
bool body_frame

#Response : return success=true, (if async=false && if setpoint reached before timeout = 30sec) || (if async=true && command sent to autopilot)
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition:  int Navigation::velocity_set(float vx, float vy, float vz, float yaw_rate = 0, float tolerance = 0, bool relative = false, bool async = false, bool yaw_rate_valid = false, bool body_frame = false)

    vx,vy,vz: Velocity Setpoint in NED-Frame (in body-frame if body_frame=true)
    yaw_rate: Yaw_rate Setpoint in radians/sec
    yaw_rate_valid: Must be set to true, if yaw_rate setpoint is provided
    tolerance: Acceptance radius in meters/s, default value=1.0m/s
    relative: If true, velocity setpoints relative to current position is sent
    async: If true, asynchronous mode is set
    body_frame: If true, velocity setpoints are with respect to body frame

Returns: For async=true, returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle, else returns 1. For async=false, returns 0 if the vehicle reaches given setpoint before timeout=30secs, else returns 1.
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: velocity_set(self,vx, vy, vz, yaw_rate=0.0, tolerance=0.0, relative=False, async=False, yaw_rate_valid=False, body_frame=False):

// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/velocity_set
call srv:
        :float vx
        :float vy
        :float vz
        :float yaw_rate
        :float tolerance
        :bool async
        :bool relative
        :bool yaw_rate_valid
        :bool body_frame
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/velocity_set
call srv:
        :float vx
        :float vy
        :float vz
        :float yaw_rate
        :float tolerance
    :bool async
    :bool relative
    :bool yaw_rate_valid
    :bool body_frame
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API to give velocity setpoints.
 Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/velocity_set'

JSON Request:
    vx: Float,
    vy: Float,
    vz: Float,
    yaw_rate: Float,
    tolerance: Float,
    async: Boolean,
    relative: Boolean,
    yaw_rate_valid : Boolean,
    body_frame : Boolean

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API to give velocity setpoints.
 Make sure you initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/velocity_set',
serviceType: 'core_api/VelocitySet'

    vx: Float,
    vy: Float,
    vz: Float,
    yaw_rate: Float,
    tolerance: Float,
    async: Boolean,
    relative: Boolean,
    yaw_valid : Boolean,
    body_frame : Boolean

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/velocity_set "{vx: 0.5, vy: 0.2, vz: -0.1, yaw_rate: 0.1, tolerance: 0.0, async: false, relative: false, yaw_rate_valid: true, body_frame: false}"          

#sends (vx,vy,vz)=(0.5,0.2,-0.1)(m/s), yaw_rate=0.1rad/s,  relative=false, async=false, yaw_rate_valid=true, body_frame=false
#default value of tolerance=1.0m/s if left at 0  
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
nav.velocity_set(1.0, 0.5, -1.0, 0.12, 0.5, false, false, true, false);
//sends (vx,vy,vz)=(1.0,0.5,-1.0)(m/s), yaw_rate=0.12rad/s, tolerance=0.5m/s, relative=false, async=false, yaw_rate_valid=true, body_frame=false
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# fly towards right ( with respect to vehicle current heading) 
drone.velocity_set(0, +2, 0, body_frame=True)

#include <core_api/PositionSet.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::PositionSet>("/<namespace>/navigation/position_set");
core_api::PositionSet srv;

srv.vx = 1.0;
srv.vy = 0.5;
srv.vz = -1.0;
srv.yaw_rate = 0.12;
srv.request.tolerance = 0.5;
srv.request.async = false;
srv.request.yaw_rate_valid = true;
srv.request.relative = false;
srv.request.body_frame = false;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;

//sends (vx,vy,vz)=(1.0,0.5,-1.0)(m/s), yaw_rate=0.12rad/s, tolerance=0.5m/s, relative=false, async=false, yaw_rate_valid=true, body_frame=false
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def setpoint_velocity(vx, vy, vz, yaw_rate, tolerance= 1.0, async = False, relative= False, yaw_rate_valid= False, body_frame= False):
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/velocity_set', VelocitySet)
        # build message structure
        req_msg = VelocitySetRequest(vx=vx, vy=vy, vz=vz, yaw_rate=yaw_rate, tolerance=tolerance, async=async, relative=relative, yaw_rate_valid=yaw_rate_valid, body_frame=body_frame)
        resp = handle(req_msg)

        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("vel set service call failed %s", e)

var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/velocity_set",  
    success: function(data){

var velocitySet = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/velocity_set',
    serviceType : 'core_api/VelocitySet'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    vx: 2.00,
    vy: 3.00,
    vz: -1.00,
    yaw_rate: 1.00,
    tolerance: 2.00,
    async: true,
    relative: false,
    yaw_rate_valid : true,
    body_frame : false

velocitySet.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
success: True
Success: True



This API gives linear (vx,vy,vz) and angular (yaw_rate) velocity setpoint to vehicle. Please check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
vx, vy, vz float Velocity Setpoint in NED-Frame (in body-frame if body_frame=true)
yaw_rate float Yaw rate Setpoint in rad/sec
yaw_rate_valid bool Must be set to true, if yaw
tolerance float Acceptance range in m/s, default value=1.0 m/s
relative bool If true, velocity setpoints relative to current position is sent
async bool If true, asynchronous mode is set
body_frame bool If true, velocity setpoints are relative with respect to body frame


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Execute Script


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/exec_script
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ExecScript, below is its description

#Request : Expects name of the application to execute and the arguments to be passed to it
string app_name
string arguments

#Response : return success=true if script starts to get executed
bool success
string message
No CPP API is available for execution of onboard scripts.
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: exec_script(app_name, arguments)
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/exec_script
call srv:
    :string app_name
    :string arguments
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/exec_script
call srv:
    :string app_name
    :string arguments
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/exec_script'

JSON Request:
    app_name : String,
    arguments : String

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/exec_script',
serviceType: 'core_api/ExecScript'

    app_name : String,
    arguments : String

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /<namespace>/navigation/exec_script "{}"
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# execute onboard script with name in app_name and arguments to be passed with it as arguments  
drone.exec_script(script, args)

#include <core_api/ExecScript.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::ExecScript>("/<namespace>/navigation/exec_script");
core_api::ExecScript srv;

srv.request.app_name = "";
srv.request.arguments = "arg1 arg2 arg3";;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

script_name = ""
sample_args = "arg1 arg2 arg3"
def exec_script(script_name, sample_args):
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/exec_script', ExecScript)
        resp = handle(app_name=script_name, arguments= sample_args)
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("service call failed %s", e)

var  msgdata={};
msgdata["arguments"]='2 45 4 run';

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/exec_script",  
    success: function(data){

var execScript = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/exec_script',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ExecScript'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({    
    app_name : 'app12',
    arguments : '2 45 4 run'

execScript.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
{'message': '', 'success': True}

message (string):  Contains the error message if it is unable to run the script.
success (bool): true if action successful
success: True
Success: True



This API can run onboard executable scripts in python, shell, etc.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
app_name string Name of the script. Script should be present in /flyt/flytapps/onboard_user/install directory.
arguments string arguments separated by space e.g. “arg1 arg2 arg3”


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Get Waypoints


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_get
ROS-Service Type: core_api/WaypointGet, below is its description

# Request: NULL

# Returns success status and received count
bool success
string message
uint32 wp_received
mavros_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints

// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: int Navigation::waypoint_get(std::vector<mavros_msgs::Waypoint> &waypoints)

Arguments:  waypoints: list of waypoints will be made available in this variable

Returns:    returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: waypoint_get()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_get
call srv: Null
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :uint32 wp_received
    :mavros_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_get
call srv: Null
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :uint32 wp_received
    :mavros_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_get'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String, 
    wp_recieved: Int,
    waypoints: [
        frame: Int 0/1/2/3/4,
        command:Int 16/17/18/19/20/21/22,
        is_current: Boolean,
        autocontinue: Boolean,
        param1: Float,
        param2: Float,
        param3: Float,
        param4: Float,
        x_lat: Float,
        y_long: Float,
        z_alt: Float

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_get',
serviceType: 'core_api/WaypointGet'

    success: Boolean,
    message: String, 
    wp_recieved: Int,
    waypoints: [
        frame: Int 0/1/2/3/4,
        command:Int 16/17/18/19/20/21/22,
        is_current: Boolean,
        autocontinue: Boolean,
        param1: Float,
        param2: Float,
        param3: Float,
        param4: Float,
        x_lat: Float,
        y_long: Float,
        z_alt: Float


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/waypoint_get "{}" 
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
std::vector<mavros_msgs::Waypoint> &waypoints
std::cout<<"Number of waypoints received\t"<<waypoints.size()<<"\n";
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# get list of current waypoints  
wp = drone.waypoint_get()

// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_get",  
    success: function(data){

var waypointGet = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_get',
    serviceType : 'core_api/WaypointGet'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

waypointGet.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: True
wp_received: 1
    frame: 3
    command: 16
    is_current: True
    autocontinue: True
    param1: 0.0
    param2: 0.0
    param3: 0.0
    param4: 0.0
    x_lat: 18.6204299927
    y_long: 73.903465271
    z_alt: 50.0
{'wp_received': 2, 'message': '[INFO] Waypoint get Successful', 'success': True, 'waypoints': [{'autocontinue': True, 'frame': 0, 'command': 16, 'param4': 10.199999809265137, 'is_current': True, 'param2': 10.199999809265137, 'param1': 10.199999809265137, 'y_long': -122.08358764648438, 'param3': 0.0, 'x_lat': 7.429123401641846, 'z_alt': 112.61199951171875}, {'autocontinue': True, 'frame': 0, 'command': 16, 'param4': 10.199999809265137, 'is_current': False, 'param2': 10.199999809265137, 'param1': 10.199999809265137, 'y_long': -122.08329010009766, 'param3': 0.0, 'x_lat': 7.4294233322143555, 'z_alt': 112.61199951171875}]}

wp_received (int): Number of waypoints received
message (string): Contains error message
success (bool): true if action successful
waypoints (list): consists a list of dictionary, the dictionary consists of (frame, command, is_current, autocontinue, param1, param2, param3, param4, x_lat, y_long, z_alt)
    success: True, 
    wp_recieved: 2,
    waypoints: [{
        frame: 3,
        command:Int 16,
        is_current: true,
        autocontinue: true,
        param1: 6.0,
        param2: 7.0,
        param3: 0.0,
        param4: 0.0,
        x_lat: 65.425532,
        y_long: 18.542422,
        z_alt: 25},{}]

    success: True, 
    wp_recieved: 2,
    waypoints: [{
        frame: 3,
        command:Int 16,
        is_current: true,
        autocontinue: true,
        param1: 6.0,
        param2: 7.0,
        param3: 0.0,
        param4: 0.0,
        x_lat: 65.425532,
        y_long: 18.542422,
        z_alt: 25},{}]


This API returns list of current waypoints on autopilot.


Following parameters are applicable RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.

Arguments: None


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message
frame int The Frame in which the waypoints are given
0: Global
1: Local NED
2: Mission
3: Global Rel Alt
command int defines the function of the waypoint
16: Waypoints
17: Loiter
18: Loiter Turns
19: Loiter time
20: Return to Launch
21: Land
22: Take Off
is_current bool Set it as the first waypoint
autocontinue bool continue to the next waypoint as soon as the current waypoint is achieved
param1 float Time to stay at the location in sec.
param2 float radius around the waypoint within which the waypoint is marked as done
param3 float Orbit radius in meters
param4 float Yaw/direction in degrees
x_lat float Latitude
y_long float Longitude
z_alt float Relative altitude

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Set Waypoints


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set
ROS-Service Type: core_api/WaypointSet, below is its description

# Request: Waypoints to be sent to device
mavros_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints

# Returns: success status and transfered count
bool success
string message
uint32 wp_transfered

// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition:    int Navigation::waypoint_set(std::vector<mavros_msgs::Waypoint> waypoints)

    waypoint: Array of waypoints to be sent to the autopilot

Returns:    0 if the land command is successfully sent to the vehicle, else returns 1.

# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: waypoint_set(waypoints)

// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set
call srv:
    :mavros_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :uint32 wp_transfered
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set
call srv:
    :mavros_msgs/Waypoint[] waypoints
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :uint32 wp_transfered

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set'

JSON Request:
        frame : [Int] 0/1/2/3/4,
        command : [Int] 16/17/18/19/20/21/22,
        is_current : [Boolean],
        autocontinue : [Boolean],
        param1 : [Float],
        param2 : [Float],
        param3 : [Float],
        param4 : [Float],
        x_lat : [Float],
        y_long : [Float],
        z_alt : [Float],

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set',
serviceType: 'core_api/WaypointSet'

        frame : [Int] 0/1/2/3/4,
        command : [Int] 16/17/18/19/20/21/22,
        is_current : [Boolean],
        autocontinue : [Boolean],
        param1 : [Float],
        param2 : [Float],
        param3 : [Float],
        param4 : [Float],
        x_lat : [Float],
        y_long : [Float],
        z_alt : [Float],

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


  rosservice call /flytos/navigation/waypoint_set "waypoints:
- {frame: 0, command: 0, is_current: false, autocontinue: false, param1: 0.0, param2: 0.0,
  param3: 0.0, param4: 0.0, x_lat: 0.0, y_long: 0.0, z_alt: 0.0}" 

#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
mavros_msgs::Waypoint waypoint;
std::vector<mavros_msgs::Waypoint> waypoints_array;
waypoint.frame = 3;
waypoint.command = 16;
waypoint.is_current = false;
waypoint.autocontinue = true;
waypoint.param1 = 0; 
waypoint.param2 = 1;
waypoint.param3 = 0;
waypoint.param4 = 0;
waypoint.x_lat = 73.2154;
waypoint.x_long = 18.5472;
waypoint.z_alt = 5;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#for multiple waypoints
#list of waypoints to be constructed
wp4 =  [{'frame': 0,
       'command': 16,
       'is_current': True,
       'autocontinue': True,
       'param1': 10.2,
       'param2': 10.2,
       'param3': 10.2,
       'param4': 10.2,
       'x_lat': x - 0.0002,
       'y_long': y - 0.0002,
       'z_alt': z + 10
      {'frame': 0,
       'command': 16,
       'is_current': True,
       'autocontinue': True,
       'param1': 10.2,
       'param2': 10.2,
       'param3': 10.2,
       'param4': 10.2,
       'x_lat': x+0.0001,
       'y_long': y + 0.0001,
       'z_alt': z + 10
      {'frame': 0,
       'command': 16,
       'is_current': True,
       'autocontinue': True,
       'param1': 10.2,
       'param2': 10.2,
       'param3': 10.2,
       'param4': 10.2,
       'x_lat': x,
       'y_long': y,
       'z_alt': z + 10
       {'frame': 0,
        'command': 16,
        'is_current': True,
        'autocontinue': True,
        'param1': 10.2,
        'param2': 10.2,
        'param3': 10.2,
        'param4': 10.2,
        'x_lat': x + 0.0001,
        'y_long': y + 0.0001,
        'z_alt': z + 10

# set list of current waypoints  

#for single waypoint
wp1 = {'frame': 0,
       'command': 16,
       'is_current': True,
       'autocontinue': True,
       'param1': 10.2,
       'param2': 10.2,
       'param3': 10.2,
       'param4': 10.2,
       'x_lat': x - 0.0002,
       'y_long': y - 0.0002,
       'z_alt': z + 10
#set list of current waypoints
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

var  msgdata=[];
msgdata[1]["command"]= 16;
msgdata[1]["is_current"]= false;
msgdata[1]["autocontinue"]= true;
msgdata[1]["param1"]= 0;
msgdata[1]["param2"]= 1;
msgdata[1]["param3"]= 0;
msgdata[1]["param4"]= 0;
msgdata[1]["x_lat"]= 73.2154;
msgdata[1]["y_long"]= 18.5472;
msgdata[1]["z_alt"]= 5;

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set",  
    success: function(data){

var waypointSet = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set',
    serviceType : 'core_api/WaypointSet'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
        frame : [Int] 0/1/2/3/4,
        command : [Int] 16/17/18/19/20/21/22,
        is_current : [Boolean],
        autocontinue : [Boolean],
        param1 : [Float],
        param2 : [Float],
        param3 : [Float],
        param4 : [Float],
        x_lat : [Float],
        y_long : [Float],
        z_alt : [Float],
        },{},{}... ]

waypointSet.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: True
wp_transfered: 0
{'message': '[INFO] Waypoint set Successful', 'wp_transfered': 4, 'success': True}

wp_transfered (int): Number of waypoints transfered
message (string): Contains error message
success (bool): true if action successful



This API replaces current list of waypoints on autopilot with new list passed.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
frame int The Frame in which the waypoints are given
0: Global
1: Local NED
2: Mission
3: Global Rel Alt
command int defines the function of the waypoint
16: Waypoints
17: Loiter
18: Loiter Turns
19: Loiter time
20: Return to Launch
21: Land
22: Take Off
is_current bool Set it as the first waypoint
autocontinue bool continue to the next waypoint as soon as the current waypoint is achieved
param1 float Time to stay at the location in sec.
param2 float radius around the waypoint within which the waypoint is marked as done
param3 float Orbit radius in meters
param4 float Yaw/direction in degrees
x_lat float Latitude
y_long float Longitude
z_alt float Relative altitude


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Execute Waypoints


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_execute
ROS-Service Type: core_api/waypointExecute, below is its description

#Request : Null

#Response : success = true if command sent successfully
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: int Navigation::waypoint_execute(void)

Arguments:  None

Returns:    returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: drone.waypoint_execute()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_execute
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_execute
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_execute'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_execute',
serviceType: 'core_api/WaypointExecute'

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }


rosservice call /flytsim/navigation/waypoint_execute "{}"   
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#execute the waypoints
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_execute",  
    success: function(data){

var waypointExecute = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_execute',
    serviceType : 'core_api/WaypointExecute'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

waypointExecute.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
{'message': '[INFO] Waypoint Execution initiated', 'success': True}

message (string): Contains error message
success (bool): true if action successful



Exectute / resume current list of waypoints.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.

Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

Note: Make sure you have a list of waypoints already set using set_waypoints API before you give it execute_waypoint API call.

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Clear Waypoints


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_clear
ROS-Service Type: core_api/WaypointClear, below is its description

#Request : Null

#Response : success = true if command sent successfully
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: int Navigation::waypoint_clear(void)

Arguments:  None

Returns:    returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function:  waypoint_clear()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_clear
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_clear
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_clear'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_clear',
serviceType: 'core_api/WaypointClear'

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/waypoint_clear "{}"   
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#clear the currently set waypoints
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_clear",  
    success: function(data){

var waypointClear = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_clear',
    serviceType : 'core_api/WaypointClear'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

waypointClear.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
{'message': '[INFO] Waypoint clear Successful', 'success': True}

message (string): Contains error message
success (bool): true if action successful




Clear list of waypoints on autopilot.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.

Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Pause Waypoints


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_pause
ROS-Service Type: core_api/WaypointPause, below is its description

#Request : Null

#Response : success = true if command sent successfully
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: int Navigation::waypoint_pause(void)

Arguments:  None

Returns:    returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function:  waypoint_pause()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_pause
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_pause
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_pause'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_pause',
serviceType: 'core_api/WaypointPause'

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/waypoint_pause "{}"      
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#pause the waypoints mission
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_pause",  
    success: function(data){

var waypointPause = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_pause',
    serviceType : 'core_api/WaypointPause'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

waypointPause.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
{'message': '[INFO] Waypoint Paused', 'success': True}

message (string): Contains error message
success (bool): true if action successful



This API pauses ongoing waypoint mission.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Set Current Waypoint


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set_current
ROS-Service Type: core_api/WaypointSetCurrent, below is its description

# Request: set current waypoint to index ( wp_seq ) in waypoint array
uint16 wp_seq
# Response: success if command sent successfully
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: int Navigation::waypoint_set_current(int waypoint_no)

    waypoint_no: Index of waypoint to be set as current waypoint

Returns:    returns 0 if the command is successfully sent to the vehicle
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function:  waypoint_set_current(wp_seq)
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set_current
call srv: uint16 wp_seq
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set_current
call srv: uint16 wp_seq
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set_current'

JSON Request:
    wp_seq: Int

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set_current',
serviceType: 'core_api/WaypointSetCurrent'

    wp_seq: Int

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytsim/navigation/waypoint_set_current "wp_seq: 1" 
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
int waypoint_no = 2;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#setting the 2nd waypoint as the current waypoint
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set_current",  
    success: function(data){

var waypointSetCurrent = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/waypoint_set_current',
    serviceType : 'core_api/WaypointSetCurrent'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    wp_seq: 2

waypointSetCurrent.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
{'message': '[INFO] Waypoint set_current Successful', 'success': True}

message (string): Contains error message
success (bool): true if action successful



Sets the waypoint Id specified, as the current waypoint from the list of already set wayopints.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
wp_seq int Id of the waypoint fro the list of set waypoints.


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Set Home


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/set_home
ROS-Service Type: core_api/SetHome, below is its description

#Request : Expects home position to be set by specifying Latitude, Longitude and altitude
#Request: If set_current is true, the current location of craft is set as home position
float64 lat
float64 lon
float64 alt
bool set_current

#Response : success=true if service called successfully 
bool success
string message
No CPP API available.
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: set_home(lat, lon, alt, set_current=False)
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/set_home
call srv:
    :float64 lat
    :float64 lon
    :float64 alt
    :bool set_current
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/set_home
call srv:
    :float64 lat
    :float64 lon
    :float64 alt
    :bool set_current
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/set_home'

JSON Request:
    lat: Float,
    lon: Float,
    alt: Float,
    set_current : Boolean

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/set_home',
serviceType: 'core_api/SetHome'

    lat: Float,
    lon: Float,
    alt: Float,
    set_current : Boolean

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytsim/navigation/set_home "{lat: 73.25564541, lon: 18.2165632, alt: 2.0, set_current: false}"  
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#set given location as home 
drone.set_home(10.2, 10.2, 10.2)

#set current location as home
drone.set_home(0, 0, 0, True)
#include <core_api/SetHome.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::SetHome>("/<namespace>/navigation/set_home");
core_api::SetHome srv; = 73.25564541;
srv.request.lon = 18.2165632;
srv.request.alt = 2.00;
srv.request.set_current = false;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/set_home",  
    success: function(data){

var setHome = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/set_home',
    serviceType : 'core_api/SetHome'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    lat: 73.12516255,
    lon: 18.2165632,
    alt: 2.00,
    set_current : True 

setHome.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
{'message': '[INFO] Home Position successfully sent to vehicle', 'success': True}

message (string): Contains error message
success (bool): true if action successful
success: True
Success: True



Manually store a location as new home.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
lat,long,alt float Latitude, longitude and relative altitude
set_current boolean if true uses current location and altitude of the device else uses the provided values.


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.



# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/navigation/rtl
ROS-Service Type: core_api/RTL, below is its description

#Request : NULL

#Response : returns success=true if RTL is activated
bool success
string message
// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition:    int Navigation::rtl()

Arguments: None

Returns:    0 if the rtl command is successfully sent to the vehicle, else returns 1.
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: rtl()
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/navigation/rtl
call srv: NULL
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
This is a REST call for the API to transition the vehicle to RTL mode. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/rtl'

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API to transition the vehicle to RTL mode. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/navigation/rtl',
serviceType: 'core_api/RTL'

{  }

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/navigation/rtl "{}" 
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#trigger RTL mode 
#include <core_api/RTL.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::RTL>("/<namespace>/navigation/rtl");
core_api::RTL srv;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def rtl():
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/<namespace>/navigation/rtl', RTL)
        resp = handle()
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("service call failed %s", e)
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/navigation/rtl",  
    success: function(data){
var rtl = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/navigation/rtl',
    serviceType : 'core_api/RTL'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

rtl.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
{'message': '[INFO] RTL Triggered by FlytAPI', 'success': True}

message (string): Contains error message
success (bool): true if action successful
success: True
Success: True


Trigger RTL mode transition of the vehicle. Check API usage section below before using this API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.

Arguments: None


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

This API will transition the vehicle to RTL mode.

ROS endpoint:

Navigation APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core navigation services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Telemetry APIs

Get Attitude Quaternion


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/imu/data
ROS-Topic Type: sensor_msgs/Imu, below is its description

# Subscriber response : Attitude Quaternion 
Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
      float64 w
    float64[9] orientation_covariance
    geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular_velocity
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
    float64[9] angular_velocity_covariance
    geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear_acceleration
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
    float64[9] linear_acceleration_covariance

// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition: sysSubscribe(Navigation::vehicle_attitude_quat,attitudeQuatCb);

    vehicle_attitude_quat: This argument selects vehicle attitude quaternion topic to be subscribed
    attitudeQuatCb: Callback function for the subscribed attitude messages

Returns: Vehicle attitude in quaternion notation in ros sensor_msgs::Imu message structure
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
      float64 w
    float64[9] orientation_covariance
    geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular_velocity
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
    float64[9] angular_velocity_covariance
    geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear_acceleration
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
    float64[9] linear_acceleration_covariance
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: get_attitude_quaternion()

Response: attitude_quaternion as described below.
    class attitude_quaternion:
        Holds fields for Attitude data in Quaternion format
        x = 0.0
        y = 0.0
        z = 0.0
        w = 0.0
        rollspeed = 0.0
        pitchspeed = 0.0
        yawspeed = 0.0

This API supports single poll mode only.
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/imu/data
Response Type: sensor_msgs/Imu
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
      float64 w
    float64[9] orientation_covariance
    geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular_velocity
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
    float64[9] angular_velocity_covariance
    geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear_acceleration
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
    float64[9] linear_acceleration_covariance

# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/imu/data
Response Type: sensor_msgs/Imu
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
      float64 w
    float64[9] orientation_covariance
    geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular_velocity
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
    float64[9] angular_velocity_covariance
    geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear_acceleration
      float64 x
      float64 y
      float64 z
    float64[9] linear_acceleration_covariance
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data'

JSON Response:
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float,
        w: Float
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data',
messageType: 'sensor_msgs/Imu'

        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float,
        w: Float
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float


rostopic echo /flytos/mavros/imu/data
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
sensor_msgs::Imu att_quat;

void attitudeQuatCb(void *_att_quat)
    att_quat = * (sensor_msgs::Imu*)(_att_quat);

std::cout << att_quat << std::endl;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# Poll attitude euler data
att = drone.get_attitude_quaternion()
# Print the data
print att.x, att.y, att.z, att.w, att.rollspeed, att.pitchspeed, att.yawspeed

#include <sensor_msgs/Imu.h>

void attCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImuConstPtr &att)
  att_data.orientation = att->orientation;
  att_data.angular_velocity = att->angular_velocity;
  att_data.linear_acceleration = att->linear_acceleration;

ros::NodeHandle nh;
sensor_msgs::Imu att_data;
ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data", 1, attCallback);
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu

# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data"), Imu, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    x, y, z, w= data.orientation.x, data.orientation.y, data.orientation.z, data.orientation.w
    print x, y, z, w

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data",  
    success: function(data){

var imuData = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data',
    messageType : 'sensor_msgs/Imu',
    throttle_rate: 200

imuData.subscribe( function(message) {

Example response

  seq: 112
    secs: 1489476690
    nsecs: 278339713
  frame_id: fcu
  x: -0.00593215392702
  y: 0.00396701722143
  z: 0.988477372188
  w: 0.151200386894
orientation_covariance: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  x: 0.00392133416608
  y: -0.000496329041198
  z: -0.000130902582896
angular_velocity_covariance: [1.2184696791468346e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2184696791468346e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2184696791468346e-07]
  x: -0.1176798
  y: -0.4314926
  z: -9.81645665
linear_acceleration_covariance: [8.999999999999999e-08, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.999999999999999e-08, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.999999999999999e-08]
instance of sensor_msgs::Imu class
instance of class attitude_quaternion
instance of sensor_msgs::Imu class
instance of sensor_msgs.msg.Imu class

        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float,
        w: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float}

        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float,
        w: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float}


This API subscribes/polls attitude data (angle and angular rate) in quaternion. Please check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
x float x vector.
y float y vector.
z float z vector.
w float w vector.
rollspeed float roll rate in radians/sec, NED frame.
pitchspeed float pitch rate in radians/sec, NED frame.
yawspeed float yaw rate in radians/sec, NED frame.

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state / payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy / roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Get Attitude Euler Data


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/imu/data_euler
ROS-Topic Type: geometry_msgs/TwistStamped, below is its description

#Subscriber response : Euler angles 
Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z

// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition: sysSubscribe(Navigation::vehicle_attitude_euler,attitudeEulerCb);

    vehicle_attitude_euler: This argument selects vehicle attitude euler topic to be subscribed
    attitudeEulerCb: Callback function for the subscribed attitude messages

Returns: Vehicle attitude in euler notation in ros geometry_msgs::TwistStamped message structure
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: get_attitude_euler()

Response: attitude_euler_object as described below.
    class attitude_euler:
        Holds fields for Attitude data in Euler Angles
        roll = 0.0
        pitch = 0.0
        yaw = 0.0
        rollspeed = 0.0
        pitchspeed = 0.0
        yawspeed = 0.0

This API support single poll mode only.
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/imu/data_euler
Response Type:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z

# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/imu/data_euler
Response Type:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data_euler'

JSON Response:
            x: Float,
            y: Float,
            z: Float
            x: Float,
            y: Float,
            z: Float

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data_euler',
messageType: 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'

            x: Float,
            y: Float,
            z: Float
            x: Float,
            y: Float,
            z: Float


rostopic echo /flytpods/mavros/imu/data_euler 
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
geometry_msgs::TwistStamped att_euler;

void attitudeEulerCb(void *_att_euler)
    att_euler = * (geometry_msgs::TwistStamped*)(_att_euler);
    std::cout<<"\nroll \t\tpitch \t\tyaw \t\trollspeed \tpitchspeed \tyawspeed";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# Poll attitude euler data
att = drone.get_attitude_euler()
# Print the data
print att.roll, att.pitch, att.yaw, att.rollspeed, att.pitchspeed, att.yawspeed

#include <geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.h>

void attCallback(const geometry_msgs::TwistStampedConstPtr &att)
        std::cout<<"\nroll \t\tpitch \t\tyaw \t\trollspeed \tpitchspeed \tyawspeed";

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        ros::init(argc, argv, "att_euler_cb");
        ros::NodeHandle nh;
        ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data_euler", 1, attCallback);
        return 0;
import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistStamped

# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data_euler"), TwistStamped, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    roll, pitch, yaw = data.twist.linear.x, data.twist.linear.y, data.twist.linear.z
    print roll, pitch, yaw

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data_euler",  
    success: function(data){

var imuEulerData = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/mavros/imu/data_euler',
    messageType : 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'

imuEulerData.subscribe(function(message) {

Example response

  seq: 4090
    secs: 1489483667
    nsecs: 763130240
  frame_id: fcu
    x: -0.0357596799731
    y: -0.0206729210913
    z: -1.89611303806
    x: -0.00441705761477
    y: 0.00617094011977
    z: -0.000732765707653
instance of geometry_msgs::TwistStamped class

  seq: 2041
    secs: 1492705227
    nsecs: 960368337
  frame_id: fcu
    x: -0.00561133073643
    y: -0.00531742209569
    z: -0.0351081602275
    x: 0.00158157129772
    y: 0.001551638823
    z: 0.00154603447299
instance of class
class attitude_euler:
    Holds fields for Attitude data in Euler Angles
    roll = 0.0
    pitch = 0.0
    yaw = 0.0
    rollspeed = 0.0
    pitchspeed = 0.0
    yawspeed = 0.0

instance of geometry_msgs::TwistStamped class

  seq: 2041
    secs: 1492705227
    nsecs: 960368337
  frame_id: fcu
    x: -0.00561133073643
    y: -0.00531742209569
    z: -0.0351081602275
    x: 0.00158157129772
    y: 0.001551638823
    z: 0.00154603447299
instance of gemometry_msgs.msg.TwistStamped class

std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float}
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float}


This API subscribes/polls attitude data (angle and angular rate) in euler angles. Please check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
roll float roll angle in radians, NED frame.
pitch float pitch angle in radians, NED frame.
yaw float yaw angle in radians, NED frame.
rollspeed float roll rate in radians/sec, NED frame.
pitchspeed float pitch rate in radians/sec, NED frame.
yawspeed float yaw rate in radians/sec, NED frame.

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state / payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy / roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Get Local Position


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/imu/local_position/local
ROS-Topic Type: geometry_msgs/TwistStamped, below is its description

#Subscriber response : Euler angles 
Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z

// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition: sysSubscribe(Navigation::local_position,lposCb);

    local_position: This argument selects local position topic to be subscribed
    lposCb: Callback function for the subscribed local position messages

Returns: local position in ros geometry_msgs::TwistStamped message structure
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: get_local_position()

Response: local_position as described below.
    class local_position:
        Holds fields for local position
        x = 0.0
        y = 0.0
        z = 0.0
        vx = 0.0
        vy = 0.0
        vz = 0.0

This API support single poll mode only.
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/local_position/local
Response Type:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z

# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/local_position/local
Response Type:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x : x position
        float64 y : y position
        float64 z : z position
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x : linear acceleration along x axis
        float64 y : linear acceleration along y axis
        float64 z : linear acceleration along z axis

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/local_position/local'

JSON Response:
{   twist:{
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float}

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/mavros/local_position/local',
messageType: 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped'

{   twist:{
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float}


rostopic echo /flytos/mavros/local_position/local
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
geometry_msgs::TwistStamped lpos;

void lposCb(void *_lpos)
    lpos = * (geometry_msgs::TwistStamped*)(_lpos);

std::cout << lpos << std::endl;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# Poll data
pos = drone.get_local_position()
# Print the data
print pos.x, pos.vx

#include <geometry_msgs/TwistStamped>

void lposCallback(const geometry_msgs::TwistStampedConstPtr &lpos)
  lpos_data.twist.linear = lpos->twist.linear;
  lpos_data.twist.angular = lpos->twist.angular;

ros::NodeHandle nh;
geometry_msgs::TwistStamped lpos_data;
ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("/<namespace>/mavros/local_position/local", 1, lposCallback);
import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistStamped

# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/mavros/local_position/local"), TwistStamped, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    x, y, z = data.twist.linear.x, data.twist.linear.y, data.twist.linear.z
    print x, y, z

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/local_position/local",  
    success: function(data){

var lpos = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/mavros/local_position/local',
    messageType : 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped',
    throttle_rate: 200

lpos.subscribe(function(message) {

Example response

  seq: 2589
    secs: 1489483590
    nsecs: 137668160
  frame_id: fcu
    x: 0.0
    y: 0.0
    z: 2.52842187881
    x: 0.000367590633687
    y: 0.001967407763
    z: 0.0995724499226
instance of geometry_msgs::TwistStamped class
instance of class local_position
instance of geometry_msgs::TwistStamped class
instance of gemometry_msgs.msg.TwistStamped class

        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float}

        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float},
        x: Float,
        y: Float,
        z: Float}


This API subscribes/polls linear position, velocity data in NED frame. Check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
x float x position in local NED frame.
y float y position in local NED frame.
z float z position in local NED frame.
vx float x velocity in local NED frame.
vy float y velocity in local NED frame.
vz float z velocity in local NED frame.

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state / payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy / roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Get Global Position


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/global_position/global
ROS-Topic Type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix, below is its description

#Subscriber response : GPS pos 
Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus status
      int8 STATUS_NO_FIX=-1
      int8 STATUS_FIX=0
      int8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX=1
      int8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX=2
      uint16 SERVICE_GPS=1
      uint16 SERVICE_GLONASS=2
      uint16 SERVICE_COMPASS=4
      uint16 SERVICE_GALILEO=8
      int8 status
      uint16 service
    float64 latitude : latitude
    float64 longitude : longitude
    float64 altitude : altitude MSL
    float64[9] position_covariance
    uint8 position_covariance_type
// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition: sysSubscribe(Navigation::global_position,gposCb);

    global_position: This argument selects global position topic to be subscribed
    gposCb: Callback function for the subscribed global position messages

Returns: global position in ros sensor_msgs::NavSatFix message structure
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus status
      int8 STATUS_NO_FIX=-1
      int8 STATUS_FIX=0
      int8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX=1
      int8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX=2
      uint16 SERVICE_GPS=1
      uint16 SERVICE_GLONASS=2
      uint16 SERVICE_COMPASS=4
      uint16 SERVICE_GALILEO=8
      int8 status
      uint16 service
    float64 latitude : latitude
    float64 longitude : longitude
    float64 altitude : altitude MSL
    float64[9] position_covariance
    uint8 position_covariance_type
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

Class: flyt_python.api.navigation

Function: get_global_position()

Response: glob_position as described below.
    class glob_position:
        Holds fields for global position
        lat = 0.0
        lon = 0.0
        alt = 0.0

This API supports single poll mode only.
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/global_position/global
Response Type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus status
      int8 STATUS_NO_FIX=-1
      int8 STATUS_FIX=0
      int8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX=1
      int8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX=2
      uint16 SERVICE_GPS=1
      uint16 SERVICE_GLONASS=2
      uint16 SERVICE_COMPASS=4
      uint16 SERVICE_GALILEO=8
      int8 status
      uint16 service
    float64 latitude : latitude
    float64 longitude : longitude
    float64 altitude : altitude MSL
    float64[9] position_covariance
    uint8 position_covariance_type
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/global_position/global
Response Type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus status
      int8 STATUS_NO_FIX=-1
      int8 STATUS_FIX=0
      int8 STATUS_SBAS_FIX=1
      int8 STATUS_GBAS_FIX=2
      uint16 SERVICE_GPS=1
      uint16 SERVICE_GLONASS=2
      uint16 SERVICE_COMPASS=4
      uint16 SERVICE_GALILEO=8
      int8 status
      uint16 service
    float64 latitude : latitude
    float64 longitude : longitude
    float64 altitude : altitude MSL
    float64[9] position_covariance
    uint8 position_covariance_type

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/global_position/global'

JSON Response:
{   latitude: Float,
    longitude: Float,
    altitude: Float}

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/mavros/global_position/global',
messageType: 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'

    latitude: Float,
    longitude: Float,
    altitude: Float


rostopic echo /flytos/mavros/global_position/global  
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
sensor_msgs::NavSatFix gpos;

void gposCb(void *_gpos)
    gpos = * (sensor_msgs::NavSatFix*)(_gpos);

std::cout << gpos << std::endl;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# Poll data
gpos = drone.get_global_position()
# Print the data
print, gpos.lon, gpos.alt
#include <sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.h>

void gposCallback(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFixConstPtr &gpos)
  gpos_data.latitude = gpos->latitude;
  gpos_data.longitude = gpos->longitude;
  gpos_data.altitude = gpos->altitude;

ros::NodeHandle nh;
sensor_msgs::NavSatFix gpos_data;
ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("/<namespace>/mavros/global_position/global", 1, gposCallback);
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix

# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/mavros/global_position/global"), NavSatFix, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    lat, lon, alt = data.latitude, data.longitude, data.altitude
    print lat, lon, alt

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/global_position/global",  
    success: function(data){

var gpsData = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/mavros/global_position/global',
    messageType : 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'

gpsData.subscribe(function(message) {

Example response

success: true
instance of sensor_msgs::NavSatFix class
instance of class glob_position

instance of sensor_msgs::NavSatFix class
instance of sensor_msgs.msg.NavSatFix class
    latitude: Float,
    longitude: Float,
    altitude: Float

    latitude: Float,
    longitude: Float,
    altitude: Float


This API subscribes/polls position data in global coordinate system. Please check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
lat float latitude in global coordinate system WGS84
lon float longitude in global coordinate system WGS84
alt float altitude from MSL (mean sea level) in meters.

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state / payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy / roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Get Battery Status


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/battery
ROS-Topic Type: sensor_msgs/BatteryState, below is its description

#Subscriber response : Battery Status 
Response structure:
std_msgs/Header header
  uint32 seq
  time stamp
  string frame_id
float32 voltage
float32 current
float32 charge
float32 capacity
float32 design_capacity
float32 percentage
uint8 power_supply_status
uint8 power_supply_health
uint8 power_supply_technology
bool present
float32[] cell_voltage
string location
string serial_number
Not Implemented
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation
Function: get_battery_status()

Response: battery_status as described below.
    class battery_status:
     Holds data for battery status
        voltage = 0.0
     current = 0.0
      remaining = 0.0

This API supports single poll mode only.

// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/battery
Response Type: sensor_msgs/BatteryState
    std_msgs/Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    float32 voltage
    float32 current
    float32 charge
    float32 capacity
    float32 design_capacity
    float32 percentage
    uint8 power_supply_status
    uint8 power_supply_health
    uint8 power_supply_technology
    bool present
    float32[] cell_voltage
    string location
    string serial_number

# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/battery
Response Type: sensor_msgs/BatteryState
    std_msgs/Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    float32 voltage
    float32 current
    float32 charge
    float32 capacity
    float32 design_capacity
    float32 percentage
    uint8 power_supply_status
    uint8 power_supply_health
    uint8 power_supply_technology
    bool present
    float32[] cell_voltage
    string location
    string serial_number

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/battery'

JSON Response:
    voltage: Float,
    current: Float,
    remaining: Float

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/mavros/battery',
messageType: 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'

    voltage: Float,
    current: Float,
    remaining: Float


rostopic echo /flytos/mavros/battery
Not Implemented
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# Poll data
bat = drone.get_battery_status()
# Print the data
print bat.remaining, bat.current, bat.voltage
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample subscriber nodes.
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import BatteryState

# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/mavros/battery"), BatteryState, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    voltage = data.voltage
    print voltage

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/battery",  
    success: function(data){

var batteryData = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/mavros/battery',
    messageType : 'sensor_msgs/BatteryState'

batteryData.subscribe(function(message) {

Example response

  seq: 415
    secs: 1489486630
    nsecs: 434288692
  frame_id: ''
voltage: 65.5350036621
current: 0.00999999977648
charge: nan
capacity: nan
design_capacity: nan
percentage: -0.00999999977648
power_supply_status: 2
power_supply_health: 0
power_supply_technology: 3
present: True
cell_voltage: []
location: id0
serial_number: ''
Not Implemented
instance of class battery_status
instance of sensor_msgs.msg.BatteryState class

    voltage: Float,
    current: Float,
    remaining: Float}

    voltage: Float,
    current: Float,
    remaining: Float}


This API subscribes/polls battery status. Please check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
voltage float total voltage, Volts
current float instantaneous current consumption, Amperes
charge float Charge
capacity float capacity
percentage float percentage left

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state / payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy / roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.



# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/vfr_hud
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    float32 airspeed
    float32 groundspeed
    int16 heading
    float32 throttle
    float32 altitude
    float32 climb

Not Implemented
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation
Function: get_vfr_hud()

Response: vfr_hud as described below.
    class vfr_hud:
     Holds data for VFR HUD
        airspeed = 0.0
    groundspeed = 0.0
        heading = 0.0
        throttle = 0.0
        altitude = 0.0
        climb = 0.0

This API supports single poll mode only.
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/mavros_msgs/vfr_hud

Response structure: mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD
    std_msgs/Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    float32 airspeed
    float32 groundspeed
    int16 heading
    float32 throttle
    float32 altitude
    float32 climb

# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Topic
Name: /<namespace>/mavros/mavros_msgs/vfr_hud

Response structure: mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD
    std_msgs/Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    float32 airspeed
    float32 groundspeed
    int16 heading
    float32 throttle
    float32 altitude
    float32 climb
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/vfr_hud'

JSON Response:
{   airspeed:Float,
    groundspeed: Float,
    heading: Integer,
    throttle: Float,
    altitude: Float,
    climb: Float

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/mavros/vfr_hud',
messageType: 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'

{   airspeed:Float,
    groundspeed: Float,
    heading: Integer,
    throttle: Float,
    altitude: Float,
    climb: Float


rostopic echo /flytos/mavros/mavros_msgs/vfr_hud
Not Implemented
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# Poll data
vfr = drone.get_vfr_hud()
# Print the data
print vfr.throttle, vfr.groundspeed, vfr.airspeed, vfr.altitude, vfr.climb, vfr.heading
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample subscriber nodes.
import rospy
from mavros_msgs.msgs import VFR_HUD

# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/mavros/vfr_hud"), VFR_HUD, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    airspeed = data.airspeed
    print airspeed

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/vfr_hud",  
    success: function(data){

var vfrHUDData = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/mavros/vfr_hud',
    messageType : 'mavros_msgs/VFR_HUD'

vfrHUDData.subscribe(function(message) {

Example response

  seq: 3664
    secs: 1489486597
    nsecs: 915001340
  frame_id: ''
airspeed: 0.0
groundspeed: 0.0
heading: 289
throttle: 0.0
altitude: 601.289001465
climb: -0.0
Not Implemented
instance of class vfr_hud
instance of mavros_msgs.msgs.VFR_HUD class

    groundspeed: Float,
    heading: Integer,
    throttle: Float,
    altitude: Float,
    climb: Float

    groundspeed: Float,
    heading: Integer,
    throttle: Float,
    altitude: Float,
    climb: Float


This API subscribes/polls VFR HUD data. Please check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
airspeed float airspeed in m/s
groundspeed float groundspeed in m/s
heading int16 yaw angle in degrees (NED frame)
throttle float throttle
altitude float altitude
climb float climb

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state/payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy/roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Get RC Data


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/rc/in
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/RCIn

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    uint8 rssi
    uint16[] channels
// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition: sysSubscribe(Navigation::rc_channels,rcChannelCb);

    rc_channels: This argument selects RC channels topic to be subscribed
    rcChannelCb: Callback function for the subscribed RC channel messages

Returns: RC channel info in ros mavros_msgs::RCInConstPtr structure
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    uint8 rssi
    uint16[] channels
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation
Function: get_rc_data()

Response: rc_data as described below.
   class rc_data:
    Holds the input rc channel data
    rssi = 0
    channels = []

This API supports single poll mode only.
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/rc/in
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/RCIn

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    uint8 rssi
    uint16[] channels

# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/rc/in
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/RCIn

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    uint8 rssi
    uint16[] channels
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/rc/in'

JSON Response:
    rssi: Int,
    channels: Int[]

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/mavros/rc/in',
messageType: 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'

    rssi: Int,
    channels: Int[]


rostopic echo /flytos/mavros/rc/in 
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
mavros_msgs::RCIn rc_channel;

void rcChannelCb(void *_rc_channel)
    rc_channel = * (mavros_msgs::RCIn*)(_rc_channel);

std::cout << rc_channel << std::endl;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# Poll data
rc = drone.get_rc_data()

# Print the data
print rc.rssi, rc.channels
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample subscriber nodes.
import rospy
from mavros_msgs.msgs import RCIn
# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/mavros/rc/in"), State, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    # print data from first 6 channels
    print data.channels[:6]

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/rc/in",  
    success: function(data){

var rcData = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/mavros/rc/in',
    messageType : 'mavros_msgs/RCIn'

rcData.subscribe(function(message) {

Example response

instance of mavros_msgs/RCIn
instance of mavros_msgs::RCIn
instance of class rc_data
success: True
    rssi: Int,
    channels: Int[]

    rssi: Int,
    channels: Int[]


This API subscribes/polls the input rc channel data. Please see usage information section below before using the API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
channels Array of unit16 Array of PWM data values for channels.

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state / payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy / roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Get Distance Sensor


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub
ROS-Topic Type: sensor_msgs/Range

Response structure:
    uint8 ULTRASOUND=0
    uint8 INFRARED=1
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    uint8 radiation_type
    float32 field_of_view
    float32 min_range
    float32 max_range
    float32 range

Not Implemented
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation
Function: get_distance_sensor()
Response: dist_sensor as described below.
 class dist_sensor:
    Holds distance sensor data
    radiation_type = 0
    field_of_view = 0.0
    min_range = 0.0
    max_range = 0.0
    range = 0.0

This API supports single poll mode only.
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub
ROS-Topic Type: sensor_msgs/Range

Response structure:
    uint8 ULTRASOUND=0
    uint8 INFRARED=1
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    uint8 radiation_type
    float32 field_of_view
    float32 min_range
    float32 max_range
    float32 range

# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub
ROS-Topic Type: sensor_msgs/Range

Response structure:
    uint8 ULTRASOUND=0
    uint8 INFRARED=1
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    uint8 radiation_type
    float32 field_of_view
    float32 min_range
    float32 max_range
    float32 range
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub'

JSON Response:
    radiation_type: Int,
    field_of_view: Float,
    min_range: Float,  
    max_range: Float,
    range: Float

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub',
messageType: 'sensor_msgs/Range'

    radiation_type: Int,
    field_of_view: Float,
    min_range: Float,  
    max_range: Float,
    range: Float


rostopic echo /flytos/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub
Not Implemented
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# Poll data
dist = drone.get_distance_sensor()

# Print the data
print dist.range, dist.max_range, dist.min_range, dist.field_of_view, dist.radiation_type
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample subscriber nodes.
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msgs import Range

# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub"), Range, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    dist = data.range
    print dist

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub",  
    success: function(data){

var distanceData = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub',
    messageType : 'sensor_msgs/Range'

distanceData.subscribe(function(message) {

Example response

instance of sensor_msgs/Range
Not Implemented
instance of class dist_sensor
instance of sensor_msgs.msgs.Range object

    radiation_type: Int,
    field_of_view: Float,
    min_range: Float,  
    max_range: Float,
    range: Float

    radiation_type: Int,
    field_of_view: Float,
    min_range: Float,  
    max_range: Float,
    range: Float


This API subscribes/polls distance sensor data. Check API usage section below before using API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
range float distance to ground in meters

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state / payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy / roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Get Vehicle State


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/flyt/state
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/State

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    bool connected
    bool armed
    bool guided
    string mode
    uint8 mav_type
    uint8 mav_autopilot
    uint8 mav_sys_status

// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Function Definition: sysSubscribe(Navigation::vehicle_state,vehicleModeCb);

    vehicle_state: This argument selects vehicle state topic to be subscribed
    vehicleModeCb: Callback function for the subscribed vehicle state messages

Returns: Vehicle state in ros mavros_msgs::State message structure
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    bool connected
    bool armed
    bool guided
    string mode
    uint8 mav_type
    uint8 mav_autopilot
    uint8 mav_sys_status

# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.

# Python API for vehicle state is split into three APIs

# Get full vehicle state data
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation
Function: get_vehicle_state()
Response: vehicle_state as described below.
class vehicle_state:
    Holds vehicle state data
    connected = False
    armed = False
    guided = False
    mode = 'String'
    mav_type = 0
    mav_autopilot = 0
    mav_sys_status = 0

This API supports single poll mode only.

# Check arm status
Class: flyt_python.api.navigation
Function Definition: is_armed()
Arguments: None
return: Boolean

# Check vehicle mode
Class: flyt_python.api.navigation
Function Definition: get_vehicle_mode()
Arguments: None
return: string

// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/flyt/state
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/State

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    bool connected
    bool armed
    bool guided
    string mode
    uint8 mav_type
    uint8 mav_autopilot
    uint8 mav_sys_status

# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/flyt/state
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/State

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    bool connected
    bool armed
    bool guided
    string mode
    uint8 mav_type
    uint8 mav_autopilot
    uint8 mav_sys_status
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/flyt/state'

JSON Response:
{   connected: Boolean,
    armed: Boolean,
    guided: Boolean,
    mode: String,
    mav_type: Int,
    mav_autopilot: Int,
    mav_sys_status: Int

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/flyt/state',
messageType: 'mavros_msgs/State'

{   connected: Boolean,
    armed: Boolean,
    guided: Boolean,
    mode: String,
    mav_type: Int,
    mav_autopilot: Int,
    mav_sys_status: Int


rostopic echo /flytos/flyt/state
#include <cpp_api/navigation_bridge.h>

Navigation nav;
mavros_msgs::State vehicle_state;

void attitudeQuatCb(void *_vehicle_state)
    vehicle_state = * (mavros_msgs::State*)(_vehicle_state);

std::cout << vehicle_state << std::endl;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance

from flyt_python import api
drone = api.navigation()
# Poll data
st = drone.get_vehicle_state()

# Print the data
print st.connected, st.armed, st.guided, st.mode, st.mav_type, st.mav_autopilot, st.mav_sys_status

# get arm status
print drone.is_armed()
print drone.get_vehicle_mode()

// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.
import rospy
from mavros_msgs.msgs import State
# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/flyt/state"), State, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    mode, is_armed = data.mode, data.armed
    print mode, is_armed

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/flyt/state",  
    success: function(data){

var stateData = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/flyt/state',
    messageType : 'mavros_msgs/State'

stateData.subscribe(function(message) {

Example response

  seq: 1666
    secs: 1489487905
    nsecs: 864919940
  frame_id: ''
connected: True
armed: False
guided: False
mav_type: 2
mav_autopilot: 12
mav_sys_status: 0
Instance of mavros_msgs::State class
instance of class vehicle_state
    connected: Boolean,
    armed: Boolean,
    guided: Boolean,
    mode: String,
    mav_type: Int,
    mav_autopilot: Int,
    mav_sys_status: Int

    connected: Boolean,
    armed: Boolean,
    guided: Boolean,
    mode: String,
    mav_type: Int,
    mav_autopilot: Int,
    mav_sys_status: Int


This API subscribes/polls the vehicle state data. Check usage information section below before using the API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
mode string autopilot flight mode e.g. MANUAL, APICTL
armed boolean Vehicle arm status. Armed if True and disarmed if False.

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state/payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy / roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Payload APIs

Get ADC data


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/payload_adc
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/PayloadADC

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    float32[2] adc_voltage
    uint8 adc_updated

// CPP API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from cpp.

Not Implemented
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation
Function: get_adc_data()
Response: adc_data as described below.
class adc_data:
    Holds ADC data
    adc_voltage = []
    adc_updated = 0

This API supports single poll mode only.
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/payload_adc
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/PayloadADC

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    float32[2] adc_voltage
    uint8 adc_updated
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/mavros/payload_adc
ROS-Topic Type: mavros_msgs/PayloadADC

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    float32[2] adc_voltage
    uint8 adc_updated
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/payload_adc'

JSON Response:
    adc_voltage: Float[2],
    adc_updated: Int

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/mavros/payload_adc',
messageType: 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'

    adc_voltage: Float[2],
    adc_updated: Int


rostopic echo /flytos/mavros/payload_adc

#sends (x,y,z)=(1.0,3.5,-5.0)(m), yaw=0.12rad, relative=false, async=false, yaw_valid=true, body_frame=false
#default value of tolerance=1.0m if left at 0    
Not Implemented
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

# Poll data
adc = drone.get_adc_data()

# Print the data 
print adc.adc_voltage, adc.adc_updated
#include <core_api/PositionSet.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::PositionSet>("/<namespace>/navigation/position_set");
core_api::PositionSet srv;

srv.request.twist.twist.angular.z = 0.12;
srv.request.twist.twist.linear.x = 1.0;
srv.request.twist.twist.linear.y = 3.5;
srv.request.twist.twist.linear.z = -5.0;
srv.request.tolerance = 5.0;
srv.request.async = false;
srv.request.yaw_valid = true;
srv.request.relative = false;
srv.request.body_frame = false;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;

//sends (x,y,z)=(1.0,3.5,-5.0)(m), yaw=0.12rad, tolerance=5.0m, relative=false, async=false, yaw_valid=true, body_frame=false
import rospy
from mavros_msgs.msgs import PayloadADC
# setup a subscriber and associate a callback function which will be called every time topic is updated.
topic_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/<namespace>/mavros/payload_adc"), PayloadADC, topic_callback)

# define the callback function which will print the values every time topic is updated
def topic_callback(data):
    adc1,adc2 = data.adc_voltage[0],data.adc_voltage[1]
    print adc1, adc2

# unsubscribe from a topic
topic_sub.unregister()  # unregister topic subscription
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/mavros/payload_adc",  
    success: function(data){

var adcData = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/mavros/payload_adc',
    messageType : 'mavros_msgs/PayloadADC'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

adcData.subscribe(request, function(result) {

Example response

    adc_voltage: Float[2],
    adc_updated: Int
Not Implemented
instance of class adc_data
success: True
instance of mavros_msgs.msgs.PayloadADC object
    adc_voltage: Float[2],
    adc_updated: Int
    adc_voltage: Float[2],
    adc_updated: Int


This API subscribes/polls the ADC payload data. This API is limited to FlytPOD only. Check usage information section below before using the API.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard cpp and python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
adc_voltage array (2*1) of floats array of adc voltage readings in volts.
adc_updated uint8 Bitmask indicating updated channel. possible values: [0,1,2,3]

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

All the autopilot state/payload data in FlytOS is shared by ROS topics. Onboard topic subscribers in rospy/roscpp can subscribe to these topics. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for response message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice. All RESTful APIs can poll the data. For telemetry mode (continuous data stream) use websocket APIs.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Gimbal Control


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device using desktop or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set
ROS-Service Type: core_api/GimbalSet, below is its description

#Request : expects gimbal attitude setpoint in radians via roll, pitch, yaw in NED Frame
#Response : return success=true if command is successfully sent

float64 roll
float64 pitch
float64 yaw
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Not Implemented
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: gimbal_control( roll, pitch, yaw)
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set
call srv:
    :float64 roll
    :float64 pitch
    :float64 yaw
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set
call srv:
    :float64 roll
    :float64 pitch
    :float64 yaw
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set'

JSON Request:
    roll: Float,
    pitch: Float,
    yaw: Float

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String
This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set',
serviceType: 'core_api/GimbalSet'

    roll: Float,
    pitch: Float,
    yaw: Float

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set "roll: 0.0

#sends (roll,pitch,yaw)=(0,0.5,-0.2)(rad)
Not Implemented
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#send gimbal attitude set
drone.gimbal_control(2.2,1.4, 1.5)
#include <core_api/GimbalSet.h>

ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::ServiceClient client = nh.serviceClient<core_api::GimbalSet>("/<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set");
core_api::GimbalSet srv;

srv.request.roll = 0.0;
srv.request.pitch = 0.5;
srv.request.yaw = -0.2;;
bool success = srv.response.success;
std::string message = srv.response.message;
import rospy
from core_api.srv import *

def setpoint_gimbal(roll, pitch, yaw):
        handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set', GimbalSet)
        resp = handle(roll, pitch, yaw)
        return resp
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        rospy.logerr("gimbal_set service call failed %s", e)```
var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set",  
    success: function(data){
var gimbalSet = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/payload/gimbal_set',
    serviceType : 'core_api/GimbalSet'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    roll: 0.0,
    roll: 0.5,
    roll: -0.2

gimbalSet.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
Not Implemented
{'message': '[INFO] Vehicle accepted gimbal set call', 'success': True}

message (string): Contains error message
success (bool): true if action successful
success: True
Success: True


This API sends gimbal attitude setpoint command to the autopilot via MAVLink and outputs pwm signals on gimbal-dedicated port of FlytPOD/Pixhawk.


For this API to work, autopilot must fulfill some pre-requisites first:

For FlytPOD/PRO users:

For PX4 users using Pixhawk:

For APM users using Pixhawk: * Refer this guide by APM.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
roll float roll command to gimbal in radians
pitch float pitch command to gimbal in radians
yaw float yaw command to gimbal in radians


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

Payload APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services available in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Obstacle Detection


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device using desktop or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/dji_msdk/obstacle_distance
ROS-Topic Type: core_api/ObstacleData, below is its description

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    float32[] front
    float32[] back
    uint8[] front_warning_level
    uint8[] back_warning_level
    bool on_hold
    bool is_enabled
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

// Not Implemented
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

# Not Implemented
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/dji_msdk/obstacle_distance
ROS-Topic Type: core_api/ObstacleData, below is its description

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    float32[] front
    float32[] back
    uint8[] front_warning_level
    uint8[] back_warning_level
    bool on_hold
    bool is_enabled
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

ROS-Topic Name: /<namespace>/dji_msdk/obstacle_distance
ROS-Topic Type: core_api/ObstacleData, below is its description

Response structure:
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    float32[] front
    float32[] back
    uint8[] front_warning_level
    uint8[] back_warning_level
    bool on_hold
    bool is_enabled
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/dji_msdk/obstacle_distance'

JSON Response:
    front: FloatArray,
    back: FloatArray,
    front_warning_level: IntArray,
    back_warning_level: IntArray,
    on_hold: Bool,
    is_enabled: Bool
This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/dji_msdk/obstacle_distance',
serviceType: 'core_api/ObstacleData'

    front: FloatArray,
    back: FloatArray,
    front_warning_level: IntArray,
    back_warning_level: IntArray,
    on_hold: Bool,
    is_enabled: Bool


Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/dji_msdk/obstacle_distance",
    success: function(data) {
var obsData = new ROSLIB.Topic({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/dji_msdk/obstacle_distance',
    messageType : 'core_api/ObstacleData',
    throttle_rate: 200

obsData.subscribe(function(message) {

Example response

Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
front: [16.43000030517578, 14.010000228881836, 0.8700000047683716, 0.8700000047683716]
back: [0.8700000047683716, 0.8700000047683716, 0.8700000047683716, 15.569999694824219]
front_warning_level: [0, 0, 5, 5],
back_warning_level: [5, 5, 5, 0],
on_hold: False
is_enabled: False


This API publishes detected obstacle data of a supported DJI drone.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
front floatArray array of detected obstacle distance (in m) for every quadrant of front sensor from left to right
back floatArray array of detected obstacle distance (in m) for every quadrant of back sensor from left to right
front_warning_level intArray array of warning levels for every quadrant of front sensor from left to right. Values in range (0 - 5) or 15. 0 being farthest and 5 being closest. If the sensor data is invalid, this value will be 15.
back_warning_level intArray array of detected obstacle distance (in m) for every quadrant of back sensor from left to right
on_hold bool stores state if autopilot has engaged obstacle avoidance
is_enabled bool stores state if collision avoidance is enabled or not

ROS endpoint:

Payload APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services available in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Collision Avoidance


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device using desktop or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/payload/collision_avoidance_configure
ROS-Service Type: core_api/CollisionAvoidanceConfigure, below is its description

#Request : expects enable_avoidance to enable/disable collision avoidance
#Response : return success=true if command is successfully sent

bool enable_avoidance
bool success
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Not Implemented
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.
Not Implemented
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/payload/collision_avoidance_configure
call srv:
    :bool enable_avoidance
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/payload/collision_avoidance_configure
call srv:
    :bool enable_avoidance
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/payload/collision_avoidance_configure'

JSON Request:
    enable_avoidance: Boolean

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String
This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/payload/collision_avoidance_configure',
serviceType: 'core_api/CollisionAvoidanceConfigure'

    enable_avoidance: Boolean

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /<namespace>/payload/collision_avoidance_configure "enable_avoidance: false"
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/payload/collision_avoidance_configure",  
    success: function(data){
var collision_avoidance_configure = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/payload/collision_avoidance_configure',
    serviceType : 'core_api/CollisionAvoidanceConfigure'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    enable_avoidance: true

collision_avoidance_configure.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented


This API enables/disables collision avoidance system of the DJI drone.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
enable_avoidance boolean set to True to enable collision avoidance


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

Payload APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services available in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Vehicle Setup APIs

Actuator Testing


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/setup/actuator_testing
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ActuatorTesting, below is its description

uint8 actuator_id
float32 time_s
bool success
string message
//Not Implemented
#Not Implemented
//Not Recommended
#Not Recommended
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/setup/actuator_testing'

JSON Request:
    actuator_id: Int,
    time_s: Float

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/setup/actuator_testing',
serviceType: 'core_api/ActuatorTesting'

    actuator_id: Int,
    time_s: Float

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


# Refer to rosservice command line API documentation for sample service calls.
//Not Implemented
# Not Implemented
//Not Recommended
# Not Recommended
var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/setup/actuator_testing",  
    success: function(data){

var actuatorTesting = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/setup/actuator_testing',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ActuatorTesting'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    actuator_id: 2,
    time_s: 4.00

actuatorTesting.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
//Not Implemented
# Not Implemented
//Not Recommended
# Not Recommended


This API allows for testing an actuator by providing actuator ID and time to rotate as parameters. If the corresponding actuator rotates on execution of the API correctly for the defined time then the motors are correctly connected.


Following parameters are applicable for RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
actuator_id int Decide which actuator to trigger.
time_s float Time in seconds to rotate the actuator


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

ESC Calibration


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/setup/esc_calibration
ROS-Service Type: core_api/EscCalibration, below is its description

float32 pwm_min
float32 pwm_max
int8 num_of_actuators
int8 calibration_state

bool success
string message
//Not Implemented
#Not Implemented
//Not Recommended
#Not Recommended
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/setup/esc_calibration'

JSON Request:
    pwm_min: Float,
    pwm_max: Float,
    num_of_actuators: Int,
    calibration_state: Int

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/setup/esc_calibration',
serviceType: 'core_api/EscCalibration'

    pwm_min: Float,
    pwm_max: Float,
    num_of_actuators: Int,
    calibration_state: Int

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


# Refer to rosservice command line API documentation for sample service calls.

//Not Implemented
#Not Implemented
//Not Recommended
#Not Recommended
var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/setup/esc_calibration",  
    success: function(data){

var escCalibration = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/setup/esc_calibration',
    serviceType : 'core_api/EscCalibration'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    pwm_min: 1000.00,
    pwm_max: 2000.00,
    num_of_actuators: 4,
    calibration_state: 2

escCalibration.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
//Not Implemented
#Not Implemented
//Not Recommended
#Not Recommended



This API helps calibrate ESCs.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
pwm_min float Min PWM value to be expected
pwm_max float Max PWM value to be expected
num_of_actuators Int Number of actuator in the frame.
calibration_state Int 1/2/3.


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Module Calibration


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/setup/module_calibration
MsgType: core_api/ModuleCalibration

uint8 STOP = 0
uint8 GYROSCOPE = 2
uint8 RC = 4
uint8 RC_TRIM = 5
uint8 RC_STOP = 6
uint8 LEVEL = 7
uint8 AIRSPEED = 8

int8 module_calibrate

bool success
string message
//Not Implemented
#Not Implemented
//Not Recommended
#Not Recommended
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/setup/module_calibration'

JSON Request:
    module_calibrate: Int

JSON Response:
    success: Boolean,
    message: String

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/setup/module_calibration',
serviceType: 'core_api/ModuleCalibration'

    module_calibrate: Int

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


# Refer to rosservice command line API documentation for sample service calls.

//Not Implemented
#Not Implemented
//Not Recommended
#Not Recommended
var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/setup/module_calibration",  
    success: function(data){

var moduleCalibration = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/setup/module_calibration',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ModuleCalibration'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    module_calibrate: Int

moduleCalibration.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: True
//Not Implemented
#Not Implemented
//Not Recommended
#Not Recommended


This API helps calibrate accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, level and RC.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
module_calibrate int module to calibrate.
1: accel
2: gyro
3: mag
4: radio
7: level


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Parameter APIs

Parameter Set


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/param/param_set
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ParamSet, below is its description

#Request : Info of parameter to be set
core_api/ParamInfo param_info

#Response : success=true if command is successful.  
bool success
#Response : error message, if any
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: bool Param::param_set(std::string param_id, std::string param_value)

    param_id: ID of param to be set
    param_value: Value of param to be set
Returns: returns 0 if the command is successful
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: param_set(param_id, param_value)
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_set
call srv:
    :core_api/ParamInfo param_info
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_set
call srv:
    :core_api/ParamInfo param_info
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_set'

JSON Request:
{   param_info:{
        param_id: String,
        param_value: String

JSON Response:
{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/param/param_set',
serviceType: 'core_api/ParamSet'

{   param_info:{
        param_id: String,
        param_value: String }}

    success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/param/param_set "param_info:
  param_id: ''
  param_value: ''" 

#include <cpp_api/param_bridge.h>

Param param;
std::string param_id = "RTL_ALT"; 

std::string param_value = "5";
param.param_set(param_id, param_value);
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#Set parameter
drone.param_set('walk', 'on')
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

var  msgdata={};msgdata["param_info"]={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_set",  
    success: function(data){

var paramSet = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/param/param_set',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ParamSet'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
        param_id: RTL_ALT,
        param_value: 5.0

paramSet.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
bool : true if action successful



This API sets the value of a desired parameter


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
param_id string Name of the parameter to be updated
param_value string Value of the parameter to be set.


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Parameter Get All


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/param/param_get_all
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ParamGetAll, below is its description

#Request : fresh pull true or false
bool fresh_pull

#Response: ParamInfo list of all parameters
core_api/ParamInfo[] param_list
#Response : success=true if command is successful.  
bool success
#Response : error message, if any
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: bool Param::param_get_all(std::vector<core_api::ParamInfo> &param_list, bool fresh_pull)

    fresh_pull: Whether to fresh pull from autopilot or not
    param_list: Variable to store parameter list
    returns parameter info list in param_list 
    returns 0 if the command is successful
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.
Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: param_get_all()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_get_all
call srv:
    :bool fresh_pull
response srv:
    :core_api/ParamInfo[] param_list
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_get_all
call srv:
    :bool fresh_pull
response srv:
    :core_api/ParamInfo[] param_list
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_get_all'

JSON Response:
{   success: Boolean,
    message: String,
    param_list: [{ param_id: [String],
        param_value: [String]},{},{},...]

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/param/param_get_all',
serviceType: 'core_api/ParamGetAll'

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String,
    param_list: [{ param_id: [String],
        param_value: [String]},{},{},...] }


rosservice call /flytos/param/param_get_all "fresh_pull: false" 
#include <cpp_api/param_bridge.h>

Param param;
bool fresh_pull = false;
core_api/ParamInfo[] param_list;

param.param_get_all(param_list, fresh_pull);
std::cout << "Parameter list: " << param_list << std::endl;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#Get all parameter
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_get_all",  
    success: function(data){

var paramGetAll = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/param/param_get_all',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ParamGetAll'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

paramGetAll.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.param_list);

Example response

Function returns 0
param_list is populated with all the received parameters
{'param_list': [{'param_value': '0.200000', 'param_id': 'ATT_VIBE_THRESH'}, {'param_value': '15.391030', 'param_id': 'BAT_A_PER_V'}], 'message': 'Received 2 parameters', 'success': True}

param_list (list): list of dictionary, each dictionary consists of param_value and param_id
message (String): Contains error/success message
success (bool): true if action successful



This API gets all the parameters available in FlytOS with their values.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message
param_id string Name of the parameter
param_value string value of the parameter

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from/wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Parameter Get


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/param/param_get
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ParamGet, below is its description

#Request : Param id to get
string param_id

#Response: Param info of requested param
core_api/ParamInfo param_info
#Response : success=true if command is successful.  
bool success
#Response : error message, if any
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: bool Param::param_get(std::string param_id, std::string &param_value)

    param_id: ID of param to be created
    param_value: Variable to store parameter value
    returns parameter value in param_value 
    returns 0 if the command is successful
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: param_get(param_id)
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_get
call srv:
    :string param_id
response srv: 
    :core_api/ParamInfo param_info
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_get
call srv:
    :string param_id
response srv: 
    :core_api/ParamInfo param_info
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_get'

JSON Request:
{   param_id: String }

JSON Response:
{   success: Boolean,
    message: String,
    param_info:{ param_value: String } }

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/param/param_get',
serviceType: 'core_api/ParamGet'

{   param_id: String }

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String,
    param_info:{ param_value: String } }


rosservice call /flytos/param/param_get "param_id: ''"
#include <cpp_api/param_bridge.h>

Param param;
std::string param_id = "RTL_ALT"; 
std::string param_value;

param.param_get(param_id, param_value);
std::cout << "Parameter value: " << param_value << std::endl;
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#Get value of a specific parameter
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_get",  
    success: function(data){

var paramGet = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/param/param_get',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ParamGet'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    param_id: 'RTL_ALT'

paramGet.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.param_info.param_value);

Example response

    param_info:{ param_value: '6.00'}
param_value = 6
String - the value of the param
    param_info:{ param_value: '6.00'}
    param_info:{ param_value: '6.00'}


This API gets the value of a particular parameter specified.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
param_id string Name of the parameter


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message
param_value string value of the parameter

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from/wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port **80*8. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Parameter Save


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/param/param_save
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ParamSave, below is its description

#Request : Null

#Response : success=true if command is successful.  
bool success
#Response : error message, if any
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: bool Param::param_save(void)

Arguments: Null
Returns: returns 0 if the command is successful
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: param_save()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_save
call srv: Null
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_save
call srv: Null
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_save'

JSON Response:
{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/param/param_save',
serviceType: 'core_api/ParamSave'

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/param/param_save "{}"
#include <cpp_api/param_bridge.h>

Param param;

# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#Get value of a specific parameter
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_save",  
    success: function(data){

var paramSave = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/param/param_save',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ParamSave'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

paramSave.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
Bool - True, if action successful



This API saves the parameters to a file which allows data retention on reboot of FlytOS running systems.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Parameter Load


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/param/param_load
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ParamLoad, below is its description

#Request : Null

#Response : success=true if command is successful.  
bool success
#Response : error message, if any
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: bool Param::param_load(void)

Arguments: Null
Returns: returns 0 if the command is successful
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: param_load()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_load
call srv: Null
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_load
call srv: Null
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_load'

JSON Response:
{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/param/param_load',
serviceType: 'core_api/ParamLoad'

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/param/param_load "{}" 
#include <cpp_api/param_bridge.h>

Param param;

# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#Get value of a specific parameter
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_load",  
    success: function(data){

var paramLoad = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/param/param_load',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ParamLoad'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

paramLoad.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
Bool - True, if action successful



This API loads parameters from a file where parameters were saved before or a newly uploaded param file.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from/wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy/roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Parameter Create


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/param/param_create
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ParamCreate, below is its description

#Request : Info of parameter to be created
core_api/ParamInfo param_info

#Response : success=true if command is successful.  
bool success
#Response : error message, if any
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: bool Param::param_create(std::string param_id, std::string param_value)

    param_id: ID of param to be created
    param_value: Value of param to be created
Returns: returns 0 if the command is successful
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: param_create(param_id, param_value)
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_create
call srv:
    :core_api/ParamInfo param_info
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_create
call srv:
    :core_api/ParamInfo param_info
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_create'

JSON Request:
{   param_info:{
        param_id: String,
        param_value: String
} }

JSON Response:
{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/param/param_create',
serviceType: 'core_api/ParamCreate'

{   param_info:{
        param_id: String,
        param_value: String
} }

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String


rosservice call /flytos/param/param_create "param_info:
  param_id: ''
  param_value: ''" 

#include <cpp_api/param_bridge.h>

Param param;
std::string param_id = "RTL_ALT"; 

std::string param_value = "5";
param.param_create(param_id, param_value);
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#Get value of a specific parameter
drone.param_create('walk', 'off')
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_create",  
    success: function(data){

var paramCreate = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/param/param_create',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ParamCreate'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
        param_id: String,
        param_value: String

paramCreate.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
Bool - True, if action successful



This API creates a new parameter.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
param_id string Name of the parameter
param_value string Value for the parameter


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from/wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy/roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Parameter Delete


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/param/param_delete
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ParamDelete, below is its description

#Request : Info of parameter to be deleted
string param_id

#Response : success=true if command is successful.  
bool success
#Response : error message, if any
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: bool Param::param_delete(std::string param_id)

    param_id: ID of param to be deleted
Returns: returns 0 if the command is successful
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: param_delete()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_delete
call srv:
    :string param_id
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_delete
call srv:
    :string param_id
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_delete'

JSON Request:
{   param_id: String }

JSON Response:
{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/param/param_delete',
serviceType: 'core_api/ParamDelete'

{   param_id: String }

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }


rosservice call /flytos/param/param_delete "param_id: ''" 
#include <cpp_api/param_bridge.h>

Param param;
std::string param_id = "RTL_ALT"; 
# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#Get value of a specific parameter
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

var  msgdata={};

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    data: JSON.stringify(msgdata),
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_delete",  
    success: function(data){

var paramDelete = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/param/param_delete',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ParamDelete'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({
    param_id: String

paramDelete.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
Bool - True, if action successful



This API deletes a parameter from FlytOS.


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
param_id string Name of the paramter to be deleted


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Parameter Reset


# API call described below requires shell access, either login to the device by connecting a monitor or use ssh for remote login.

ROS-Service Name: /<namespace>/param/param_reset
ROS-Service Type: core_api/ParamReset, below is its description

#Request : Null

#Response : success=true if command is successful.  
bool success
#Response : error message, if any
string message
// C++ API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from C++.

Function Definition: bool Param::param_reset(void)

Arguments: Null
Returns: returns 0 if the command is successful
# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Class: flyt_python.API.navigation

Function: param_reset()
// ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_reset
call srv: Null
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message
# ROS services and topics are accessible from onboard scripts only.

Type: Ros Service
Name: /<namespace>/param/param_reset
call srv: Null
response srv: 
    :bool success
    :string message

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_reset'

JSON Response:
{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }

This is a Websocket call for the API. Make sure you 
initialise the websocket using websocket initialising 
API and replace namespace with the namespace of 
the FlytOS running device before calling the API 
with websocket.

name: '/<namespace>/param/param_reset',
serviceType: 'core_api/ParamReset'

{   success: Boolean,
    message: String, }


rosservice call /flytos/param/param_reset "{}"    
#include <cpp_api/param_bridge.h>

Param param;

# create flyt_python navigation class instance
from flyt_python import API
drone = API.navigation()
# wait for interface to initialize

#Get value of a specific parameter
// Please refer to Roscpp documentation for sample service clients.

# Please refer to Rospy documentation for sample service clients.

    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/ros/<namespace>/param/param_reset",  
    success: function(data){

var paramReset = new ROSLIB.Service({
    ros : ros,
    name : '/<namespace>/param/param_reset',
    serviceType : 'core_api/ParamReset'

var request = new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest({});

paramReset.callService(request, function(result) {
    console.log('Result for service call on '
      + ': '
      + result.success
      +': '
      + result.message);

Example response

success: true
Bool - True, if action successful



This API resets all the parameter value to the last save parameter state.


Following parameters are applicable for onboard C++ and Python scripts. Scroll down for their counterparts in RESTful, Websocket, ROS. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
x, y, z float Position Setpoint in NED-Frame (in body-frame if body_frame=true)
yaw float Yaw Setpoint in radians
yaw_valid bool Must be set to true, if yaw
tolerance float Acceptance radius in meters, default value=1.0m
relative bool If true, position setpoints relative to current position is sent
async bool If true, asynchronous mode is set
body_frame bool If true, position setpoints are relative with respect to body frame


Parameter Type Description
success bool true if action successful
message string debug message

API usage information:

ROS endpoint:

APIs in FlytOS are derived from / wrapped around the core services in ROS. Onboard service clients in rospy / roscpp can call these APIs. Take a look at roscpp and rospy API definition for message structure.

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.

Websocket endpoint:

Websocket APIs can be called from javascript using roslibjs library.

Java websocket clients are supported using rosjava.

Video Streaming API


# Python API described below can be used in onboard scripts only. For remote scripts you can use http client libraries to call FlytOS REST endpoints from Python.

Not Implemented

This is a REST call for the API. Make sure to replace 
    ip: ip of the FlytOS running device
    namespace: namespace used by the FlytOS device.

URL: 'http://<ip>/list_streams'

JSON Request:
{   namespace: String}

JSON Response:
{   stream1: String,
    stream2: String,.... }



Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented

Not Implemented
Not Implemented
var msgdata=[];
// Use getnamespace API to know the namespace

    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    url: "http://<ip>/list_streams",  
    success: function(data){
           console.log(data['stream1']+" "+data['stream2']);


Example response

Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
Not Implemented
    stream1: <link to stream1>,
    stream2: <link to stream2>,
    stream3: <link to stream3>,
    stream4: <link to stream4>,
    stream5: <link to stream5>,



This API allows to get the list of video streams avalibale and view the live stream.

API usage information:


Following parameters are applicable in RESTful, Websocket. However the description of these parameters applies to all platforms.


Argument Type Description
namespace string namespace used in FlytOS


Parameter Type Description
stream1 string link of the video stream1
stream2 string link of the video stream2
stream3 string link of the video stream3

. . .

RESTful endpoint:

FlytOS hosts a RESTful server which listens on port 80. RESTful APIs can be called from remote platform of your choice.